An image of Jakob Eicheler (né Kemper)

About Me

Hi, I'm Jakob Eicheler (né Kemper). I'm a political scientist and work as a project officer in the project 'POLITSOLID. The Ties that Bind - Experimental Analyses of Political Solidarities in Modern European Democracies' (principal investigator Prof. Dr. Achim Goerres and project manager Dr. Philipp Chapkovski) at the Department of Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen. I pursue a PhD with a research focus on political solidarities, social trust, experimental research and statistical methods.

In 2021, I completed my master's degree in Methods of Social Science Research at the Ruhr University Bochum. Before that, I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Duisburg-Essen.

I spent a semester abroad at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA, USA.
For my BA thesis in 2018, I conducted a field experiment on the responsiveness of support offices of Bundestag MPs. I found that, on average, senders with foreign names are treated worse.
For my MA thesis in 2021, I used Natural Language Processing to analyse plenary speeches in all German state parliaments (Landtage) and found no significant deterioration in the level of civility after the right-wing populist party AfD entered the Landtag.

Jakob Eicheler (né Kemper)
Political Scientist

jakob.eicheler at

Institute of Political Science
University of Duisburg-Essen
Lotharstraße 65
47057 Duisburg

Phone +49 (0) 203 379 1714

Selected Conference Talks and Posters

Kemper, J. (2024). What explains change in individual support for European solidarity over time? A longitudinal test of identity, ideology and economic interest explanations
Presentation at the Solidarity in Europe: EUI – YouGov project's third annual data dissemination conference, Florence (Italy), January 2024.
Kemper, J. (2023). The effect of priming ethnic or Civic national identities on welfare chauvinism: An experimental study
Presentation at the ECPR General Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), September 2023.
Goerres, A. & Kemper, J. (2022). Piloting Experimental Tests of Macro-Micro-Level Effects in an Artificial Online State: Increasing the external validity of behavioural measures.
Poster presented at the General Online Research Conference, Berlin (Germany), September 2022.
Goerres, A., Höhne, J.K. & Kemper, J. (2022). Piloting Experimental Tests of Macro-Micro-Level Effects in an Artificial Online State: How Income Inequalities Affect Political Solidarities.
Presentation at the ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck (Austria), August 2022.
Goerres, A., Kemper, J., Höhne, J.K. & Tepe, M. (2022). The behavioural consequences of political solidarities: Validating the solidarity game on a representative online sample with real-time interaction in oTree.
Presentation at the EPSA Annual Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), June 2022.
Kemper, J., Goerres, A. & Höhne, J.K. (2022). Economic games in political science: Testing the Usability of Solidarity Game Experiments using the open-source platform oTree.
Presentation at the Annual Conference of the DVPW-Section "Methods of Political Science", Oldenburg (Germany), June 2022.
Goerres, A., Kemper, J., Höhne, J.K. & Tepe, M. (2022). The behavioral consequences of political solidarities: Validating the solidarity game on a representative online sample with real-time interaction in oTree.
Presentation at the Annual Conference of the DVPW-Section "Theory of action and decision", Online Conference, May 2022.
Presentation at the 24 hours of Political Psychology Interdisciplinary Conference, March 2022.

In the Media

WDR Lokalzeit Ruhr, Essen.
Plain Academic